A study on optimum agroecological, physiological conditions to obtain maximum yield and flowering duration of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)
Jalal Abbasian
Ph.D Student of Iranian Aromatic and Medicinal plants, Guilan University
Email: Abbasian@medplant.ir
Saffron (Crocus sativus) is one ofe the most important agricultural products in iran, reserving about 90% of global saffron production. According to importance of flowering count and duration of flowering, effect of different agroecological, physiological conditions on saffron were studied. Results showed that one of affecting terms on saffron flowering is the corm size that has a direct relation to flowering count. In comparison of different corm weights (2-4 gr, 4-6 gr, 6-8 gr and 8-10 gr), heavier corms showed higher performance in saffron flowering. One of the other physiological factors of saffron flowering is the age of plant, that flowering raises to year 4 after planting, then starts reduction. Studying agroecological factors showed that adjusting irrigation cycle on 24 days in plot cultivation system has more efficiency rather than hill system because of producing higher corm sizes. The best temperature to flowering is between 12.2 to 14.2 and the best planting density is 177.6 corm/m2 that makes about 5.08 kg /ha of saffron flowers.
Keywords: Saffron, Crocus sativus, agroecological conditions,